The 3 Essential Beliefs To Charging Luxury Prices In Your Business

Mindset for charging premium prices goes beyond thinking positive thoughts and doing daily affirmations. You hold your beliefs at a cellular level and it is your subconscious that is running 95-98% of the show. How do you know if you are getting in your own way of the results you desire? You aren't getting the revenue results you really want in your business. Check out this article for more.

7 Reasons Goal Setting Is Important

While it can be fun to live without direction in the short term, in the long term human beings are wired to need a purpose and direction. Goals give a sense of direction and purpose to life.

It is often easy to let others set our direction for us. We take a job because family or friends point us in that direction and then we follow the dictates of our bosses. We move in other directions because popular culture or the media tells us to do so. The simple truth is that if we do not set our own goals then we will find it too easy to follow a path set by others. This can lead to stress and unhappiness. We have a greater chance of happiness and fulfillment following our own path and pursuing our own goals.

7 Steps To Achievable Goals

How many times have you heard that being successful is all down to setting goals? It may come as no surprise to you to learn there is a lot more to success than just setting your goals. In this article, I show you why many people fail to achieve their goals and how to be successful with whatever it is that you want to achieve in your life.

5 Ways We Self-Sabotage Our Finances

Why is it we never seem to have enough money? Sure, sometimes, we spend too much. But doesn't everyone?

Have you ever considered you might be self-sabotaging your finances? It seems a stupid question. Why would anyone do this? Consider these things:

4 Forms of Negative Self-Talk You Are Probably Using

Throughout the day, we tend to talk to ourselves. Everything we do inspires some form of internal dialogue. The question is just how positive are the things we are saying? When we engage in negative self-talk, we make ourselves absolutely miserable through a constant stream of criticism and self-recrimination. As a result, we hold ourselves back from accomplishing our goals.

If you don't think you are engaging in negative self-talk, consider some of these statements and see them for what they are.