4 Forms of Negative Self-Talk You Are Probably Using

4 Forms of Negative Self-Talk You Are Probably Using

How often do you pay attention to the voices in your head? 

Throughout the day, we tend to talk to ourselves. Everything we do inspires some form of internal dialogue. The question is just how positive are the things we are saying? When we engage in negative self-talk, we make ourselves absolutely miserable through a constant stream of criticism and self-recrimination. As a result, we hold ourselves back from accomplishing our goals.

If you don't think you are engaging in negative self-talk, consider some of these statements and see them for what they are. 

I'm too __________ to Get This Done

We all have a pet word that fills in the blank. Stupid. Lazy. Out of shape. Old. Whatever. It doesn't matter the word we use, and the intent is always the same. If we can convince ourselves we're not able to do something because there's something inherently wrong with us, then, in a sense, it's not really our fault when we fail. The problem is eventually, we start to believe these words, redefining who we are.

It's My Fault 

Shifting the blame over to ourselves can seem like a way to get out of conflict quickly. The problem is, we get so used to taking the blame that we start apologizing for things that never had anything to do with us in the first place. This constant stream of negativity and of living your life as though everything is your fault will keep you from even trying to succeed.

It's Not Like It Was Going to Work

In contrast, when something does go wrong, making a statement of this sort absolves you of all responsibility. It sets you up for accepting failure without ever giving you the ability to learn from the mistake. Eventually, this also keeps you from trying again. After all, why bother?

That's Not What They Meant

When we start analyzing what people say and assuming every compliment is some kind of put down in disguise, we're telling ourselves the good things said about us can't ever be right. Worse, this has a way of making us feel like there can't even be good things about us.

So, what do you do to turn the negative into positive? You start by being aware of what you're actually saying and countering the negativity with a positive thought instead. Eventually, this will become a habit, and the negativity will disappear altogether. 

Thanks for reading and visiting my corner of the world! 

Sending you love + light as you go on with your day. - Wesley

p.s. Women hire me because traditional mindset techniques haven’t gotten them the results they really want. If you are ready to finally move past limiting beliefs, subconscious patterns, and habits in a way that is instant, permanent, and painless. If you are ready for the soulful level of healing, reach out and let’s have a conversation. It’s my life’s work to be able to help women let go of the old stories holding them back, to remember how powerful you really are, and to step into your greatness the small, quiet voice is prompting you for. Book a free, 20-30-minute discovery call here —>> https://wesleyreece.as.me/consult 

p.s. If you aren’t getting the results you desire in life + business or feel stuck and need a guide to get you to your next level of achievement, I offer complimentary discovery calls to explore what’s going on for you and what shifts are necessary to get the results you desire. Book a free, 20-30-minute discovery call here —>> https://wesleyreece.as.me/consult 

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