“The only thing keeping you from what you desire
is the story you keep telling yourself.”
— Tony Robbins

 I commonly get asked, “What is ThetaHealing?”. So, I’m diving in here…keep reading.

What is Theta Healing?

ThetaHealing is a meditation technique for your mind, body and spirit that allows you to clear limiting beliefs and live life with positive thoughts, developing virtues in all that we do. Through meditation and prayer, the ThetaHealing technique creates a positive lifestyle by focusing on spiritual, physical & emotional healing for one’s overall wellbeing.

The method brings God into the process of clearing un-serving beliefs, fears, confusion, old hurts and trauma at a cellular level permanently. God knows us better than we know ourselves and knows what’s for our highest and best. Why not include Him in the process.

ThetaHealing works by accessing the subconscious mind in order to change limiting beliefs and feelings into empowering ones. And the beauty, the change is instant, permanent and painless.

Did you know that over 90% of your beliefs lie hidden in the subconscious mind?

5 Benefits of experiencing Theta Healing:

  1. Release Limiting Beliefs Holding You Back and Keeping You Small.

  2. Heal Old, Life-Long Wounds and Trauma.

  3. Move Past Fears to the Freedom Beyond.

  4. Let Go of Heavy Emotional Baggage for GOOD.

  5. Connect with and Realize Your Truth and Purpose.

Who is it for?

If you are human, you have limiting beliefs, past experiences, past conditioning that created a story. Most of the time, people go along in life and accept the story as true. You may hear, “It is what it is.” Or that voice inside your head whispering doubts and fears as to why you aren’t capable of creating the desires of your heart.

If you aren’t getting the results you really want, it’s always rooted in a belief.

Why does ThetaHealing work?

Through meditation and prayer, My job is not to be the healer. That’s God’s. My job is to use my intuitive abilities to discover and shine the light on what needs to shift and then ask God to change it. 

It’s uncovering the old programming operating in the subconscious, bringing what needs to shift to light, and asking God to shift what’s for your highest and best. 

We work from where you are now going forward. We may acknowledge past experiences but not give the story any power. The goal is to remove the weeds from the garden so that the good seeds have room to grow. 

The change happens immediately.  I’ve found that my clients either feel something physiologically when it happens or after a couple of days as it integrates they find they are making better decisions, feel less triggered, more of a neutral at peace feeling. 

This is a spiritual philosophy - not specific to any religion. It only works though if you believe that God (Higher Power/Source/Divine) is the Creator of All That Is and that He can provide an instant healing.