3 Common Money Blocks In Business For Coaches, Consultants and Professional Service Providers

3 Common Money Blocks In Business For Coaches, Consultants and Professional Service Providers

Money is a taboo topic in western culture. Unfortunately, the more we avoid this topic, the harder it gets. As we continue to grow business, old money stories tend to show up blocking new revenue growth and can cause a plateau in your growth. And this happens at different levels of success. Have you ever experienced any of these common money blocks?

Money Block 1: “If I charge a higher price, my clients will fire me.”

When you achieve some success in your business, you start to get more and more clients. At some stage, you will eventually have more clients than you can handle if you work with each client individually or you don’t have a big team. Therefore, you need to charge a higher price so the higher price becomes an organic filter which helps you land high-quality clients. In this way, you stop working with clients that don’t value you.

No one will value you more than you value yourself. If you only charge $100 per hour, your clients will not believe that your hourly rate should be $110. Consequently, your perceived value is lower. This is sad but true.

It turns out that when you increase your price, clients who value you and respect your work will not fire you. Only those who don’t really deserve your service will – and because you are at the next level now, these people don’t deserve your attention anymore – I know this sounds a bit harsh, but you can only look after so many interests at a time.

Money Block 2: “If I want to make more money, I have to work harder.”

When you become a reasonably successful businesswoman, you know how hard you have to work in order to be so successful – you fully understand the importance of hard work.

However, you can work twice as hard as your competitors, but you can’t work ten times harder than them. Hence, working hard isn’t the real solution.

You have to work smart.

For example, a client of mine Jennifer came to me because she wanted better results in her business. She thought she needed greater accountability and she couldn’t fathom the idea that she would be able to work less and experience doubling her business. And she did just that. Within 12 months of working together, she doubled her business without working as hard as she was when we first began working together.

Have you considered making your business scalable so that you don’t have to trade hours for dollars anymore? (e.g., instead of working with one client at a time, can you run group sessions?)

Money Block 3: “I’m not ______ enough.”

Interestingly, wildly successful female entrepreneurs often have this money block, i.e., “I’m not young/old/slim/tall/pretty/wealthy/well connected enough to do XYZ.”

For example, Danelle is a very successful multi-faceted entrepreneur who runs two brick and mortar and two online businesses. Yet always felt like she was chasing a moving target with her achievements, felt like there was never enough money to do all that she wanted to do, and never enough time in the day to get done all that needed to get done to keep her head above water.

This money block previously made Danelle plateau at a certain performance level even though on paper she was already by all measures “successful”. She wanted better. We found a deep rooted belief that she didn’t believe she was enough.  How you do money is how you do everything.

Once we healed the deep rooted belief of I’m not enough, everything fell like a jenga tower and she felt a huge weight lifted off of her. As a result, she was able to experience a new level of focus, better decision making, and empowered to delegate what was keeping her from being in her zone of genius. You can read more about her case study here.

The money belief that you are not anything enough is a major factor which holds you back from making the amount of money you actually deserve.

If you keep yourself small by having any of the above-mentioned money blocks or experiencing a plateau in your business, it’s time to eliminate them now. By taking the 8-minute Sacred Money Archetype self-assessment, you will gain insight for cracking the code on your personal money story. Click here to download self-assessment 

Thanks for reading and visiting my corner of the world! 

Remember you are seen, you are loved, you are understood. 

Sending you love + light on this day.

 - Wesley

p.s. Are you ready to get rid of unconscious money blocks and start fresh on a path of creating freedom, independence, and a healthy relationship with money? Freebie —> Download the Sacred Money Archetype self-assessment and see for yourself…because how you DO MONEY is how you DO EVERYTHING. Click here to download self-assessment 

p.p.s. Women hire me because traditional mindset techniques haven’t gotten them the results they really want. If you are ready to finally move past limiting beliefs, subconscious patterns, and habits in a way that is instant, permanent, and painless. 

If you are ready for the soulful level of healing, reach out, and let’s have a conversation. It’s my life’s work to be able to help women let go of the old stories holding them back, to remember how powerful you really are, and to step into your greatness the small, quiet voice is prompting you. Book a free, 20-30-minute discovery call here —>> https://wesleyreece.as.me/consult 

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